Few words about us

Who we are
With 36 years experience on both sides of the banking fence, Neil Slonim has accumulated a wealth of experience, knowledge and connections that he leverages to help businesses optimise their banking arrangements. In short, Neil Slonim is the banker in your corner.
For three decades Neil held senior positions within the NAB Group, commencing with Bank of New Zealand Australia in 1985. Following the 1987 stock market crash he established and lead BNZA’s Melbourne Credit Recovery Unit dealing with stressed and defaulting corporate borrowers. This role extended beyond the property market collapse in the early 1990’s and when NAB acquired BNZ in 1992 he joined the parent company spending a further two years in NAB’s Asset Structuring Division before returning to leadership roles in business and corporate banking. He was a founding leader of NAB’s highly successful Major Client Group that catered for the bank’s middle corporate sector clients, holding this role until departing in 2008 to establish Slonim Consulting.
He holds a B.Ec. and a MBA from Monash University. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Neil sits on a number of advisory boards and his independent and practical views and tips on banking are regularly featured in the media and business and professional journals. He presents at conferences and seminars arranged by organisations including the Australian & NZ Institute of Company Directors, the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and CPA Australia.
Neil is the founder of theBankDoctor.org a Not for Profit online resource centre which helps SMEs deal with the many challenges involved in funding a business. He also competes in long distance triathlons and supports the Melbourne Football Club.
What gap we fill
We fill an important gap in the market place by providing practical, independent, expert banking and finance advice to businesses. We have no ties at all with any bank, broker or other advisor.
Many businesses owners don't really understand banks. More than 65% of the businesses we have worked with thought they had a good relationship with their bank only to find in their time of need that this was not the case.
If you wait for the bank to proactively come to you to give you the best possible deal you could be waiting a long time. If you want a better deal with your bank then you have to take the initiative.
Our experience is that borrowers are not proactive when it comes to engaging with their bank mainly because you are so busy with other things, hence the attitude of "if it ain't broken, don't fix it". Another impediment is that your main source of advice tends to be your trusted accountant but they are just as reactive and busy as you.
Banks regularly review the performance of the borrowers but most borrowers seem to only review their banking arrangements when there is a new need. In fact the best time to review banking arrangements is when the borrower does not have an immediate need.
Contact us now to discuss how we can help ensure you are getting the best possible banking deal for your business.
How we work.
Accountants and other advisors refer clients whilst some business owners make direct contact following a presentation or publication of an article. Others find us on the net. Our modus operandi is to conduct an initial no cost consultation to determine whether we are the best people to take on the assignment. Our reputation is our most important asset so if we can’t help or believe another party can do a better job we will say so.
The role we play varies depending on the situation and the client’s desire and suitability to engage with their lender. Some are so emotionally involved it is best they take a back seat and allow us to deal with the bank. In other situations, we play a supporting role and there are even times when the bank is unaware of our involvement. We work collaboratively with banks adopting the principle that you may win a battle with a bank but you wont win the war. Banks actually appreciate dealing with someone who is dispassionate, speaks the same language and knows how they work.
We usually charge on an hourly rate with a success fee component tied to the agreed outcomes.
The majority of our clients are privately owned businesses with turnover ranging from $10m to $500m and debt limits from $5m to $350m. We also work with ASX 200-500 companies, subsidiaries of international companies and Not for Profits.
Few words about us
Who we are
Who we are
With 36 years experience on both sides of the banking fence, Neil Slonim has accumulated a wealth of experience, knowledge and connections that he leverages to help businesses optimise their banking arrangements. In short, Neil Slonim is the banker in your corner.
For three decades Neil held senior positions within the NAB Group, commencing with Bank of New Zealand Australia in 1985. Following the 1987 stock market crash he established and lead BNZA’s Melbourne Credit Recovery Unit dealing with stressed and defaulting corporate borrowers. This role extended beyond the property market collapse in the early 1990’s and when NAB acquired BNZ in 1992 he joined the parent company spending a further two years in NAB’s Asset Structuring Division before returning to leadership roles in business and corporate banking. He was a founding leader of NAB’s highly successful Major Client Group that catered for the bank’s middle corporate sector clients. During his tenure, Neil played a pivotal role in demystifying pay stub requirements for clients, holding this role until departing in 2008 to establish Slonim Consulting.
He holds a B.Ec. and a MBA from Monash University. He is a Fellow of CPA Australia and a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Neil sits on a number of advisory boards and his independent and practical views and tips on banking are regularly featured in the media and business and professional journals. He presents at conferences and seminars arranged by organisations including the Australian & NZ Institute of Company Directors, the Australian Institute of Chartered Accountants and CPA Australia.
Neil is the founder of theBankDoctor.org a Not for Profit online resource centre which helps SMEs deal with the many challenges involved in funding a business. He also competes in long distance triathlons and supports the Melbourne Football Club and go out with a lot of his friends, as he always meet friends with this sports and also online in sites like Chatempanada.com.
What gap we fill
What gap we fill
We fill an important gap in the market place by providing practical, independent, expert banking and finance advice to businesses. We have no ties at all with any bank, broker or other advisor.
Many businesses owners don’t really understand banks. More than 65% of the businesses we have worked with thought they had a good relationship with their bank only to find in their time of need that this was not the case.
If you wait for the bank to proactively come to you to give you the best possible deal you could be waiting a long time. If you want a better deal with your bank then you have to take the initiative. This company dedicated storefront provides specialized services tailored precisely to your business’s unique needs.
Our experience is that borrowers are not proactive when it comes to engaging with their bank mainly because you are so busy with other things, hence the attitude of “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. Another impediment is that your main source of advice tends to be your trusted accountant but they are just as reactive and busy as you.
Banks regularly review the performance of the borrowers but most borrowers seem to only review their banking arrangements when there is a new need. In fact the best time to review banking arrangements is when the borrower does not have an immediate need.
Contact us now to discuss how we can help ensure you are getting the best possible banking deal for your business.
How we work
How we work.
Accountants and other advisors refer clients whilst some business owners make direct contact following a presentation or publication of an article. Others find us on the net.
Our modus operandi is to conduct an initial no cost consultation to determine whether we are the best people to take on the assignment. Our reputation is our most important asset so if we can’t help or believe another party can do a better job we will say so.
The role we play varies depending on the situation and the client’s desire and suitability to engage with their lender. Some are so emotionally involved it is best they take a back seat and allow us to deal with the bank. In other situations, we play a supporting role and there are even times when the bank is unaware of our involvement.
We work collaboratively with banks adopting the principle that you may win a battle with a bank but you wont win the war. Banks actually appreciate dealing with someone who is dispassionate, speaks the same language and knows how they work.
We usually charge on an hourly rate with a success fee component tied to the agreed outcomes.
The majority of our clients are privately owned businesses with turnover ranging from $10m to $500m and debt limits from $5m to $350m. We also work with ASX 200-500 companies, subsidiaries of international companies and Not for Profits.